

Lead Management System

“Convert leads to not just revenue but into a relationship”

What if you can magically know all the details of your lead in one centralized system effortlessly? Which product or service they are looking for? How did they know about your company?

Well, that magic is now a reality, our lead management system Ventaleads, gives you this and much more. It will keep track of leads, view entire communication history, create filtered lists, send emails and getting all the reports. It drives your leads from initial stage to ultimate closer phase of sales.

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What is a Lead Management System?

In simple words, Lead management is the process of tracking and managing prospective customers. A systematic process in which incoming leads from various sources such as email, calls, walk-ins, contact us enquires, social media enquires etc. are qualified, examined, and nurtured in a way that it can be translated into new business. A smart lead management platform can help you convert a prospective customer into a real customer.

A Good Lead Management system also gives your organization a clear idea of which advertisement strategy or sales strategy is bringing in the best leads. This way you can optimize your sales strategy to be both effective and efficient. Additionally, since lead management documents a person’s full history of interactions and experiences with your company, you can analyze exactly how a person was converted from a prospect to a lead, to a customer.

How lead management system is effective and efficient CRM for every business?

Lead Recognition and Classification

Leads can come from multiple sources such as email, calls, walk-ins, contact us enquires, chat, social media enquiries. An efficient lead management software should be able to categorize such leads as well as automatically funnel them into the CRM system.

Gathering Lead Intelligence

An effective Lead Management software should provide the sales team with a richer set of information about the customer. It should be able to pull data from an enquiry form of any 3rd party website. Such valuable insights give your sales team an edge before they even talk to the customer.

Assessment and qualifications

This is what separates a great Lead management system from an ordinary one. Based on pre-determined characteristics the software should have the ability to assess and grade your contacts. If the lead is a repeat customer than the software can provide an assessment based on their interest, demographic, age, previous buying pattern and current journey. This sort of assessment and grading can help your team to target the right leads and focus their time on the right set of leads.

Tracking and Measurement

For the leads that convert to sales and for those that don’t, Tracking and measurement is a critical component. The leads that don’t convert also have a lifecycle. The customer could be travelling or might have postponed the buying decision for some time. This is still a qualified deal, that could be a potential customer. It is important to track them. The key is to make sure every lead keeps moving through the sales cycle without being lost.


How Lead management is useful to scale your business?


Automate lead generation

Leads can be generated in two ways

Outbound lead generation: direct mail, email marketing, and cold calls
Inbound lead generation: Advertisements enquires, content marketing, and google search

Automating Lead capturing or lead generation can be done through implementing tools which can access all inbound and outbound channels. It lets you automate leads across your customer journey and manage them for better conversion. The more you automate your lead generation process, the more streamlined your sales funnel will be.

Some features that our Lead management software provides for automating lead generation are as follows

  • Customized as per the business type
  • Possibility to integrate with third party tool (inbound and outbound) and enquiry form for capturing leads
  • Professional welcome mail to all leads
  • Complete view of the user profile with editable details

Improve productivity

Our Lead management software will help boost your sales productivity by simplifying the process of repetitive daily tasks, like tracking the progress of deals, creating new opportunities, and reminding sales team of the next actions, and many such manual processes.

The intelligence built in the Lead Management software along with the learning it gathers from historic data and across multiple uses gives you an edge. The software also provides a visual representation of the following

  • Status of the lead – Open/ Opportunity/Closed Won/Closed Lost
  • Timeline – First call made, questions answered, second call and so on..
  • Different status can be mapped as per stages
  • Graphical summary for leads and performance of every individual sales user
  • Manage any leads with just a few clicks along with option of defining next action to take on that lead
  • Option for user to upload documents for reference of communication
  • Complete history of all previous communication to every individual lead

Track Lead lifecycle

Basically, A lead lifecycle is an entire process by which leads are first generated, then evaluated, segmented, qualified, and make their way to the sales team. The process begins the moment a prospect engages with your website all the way until they become a sales-qualified opportunity.

Our Lead Management Software will allow you to deep dive into a single lead and track its entire lifecycle from the origin to its current situation.

With our Lead management software, you can track each lead along the below parameters

  • Overall view – All leads report across different salespersons customized with simple filters to get required details of the overall status
  • Modular view - Single lead report which can get customized with simple filters to get only the required details of every lead

Ease of tracking leads ensures no lead is wasted. And that every lead gets its due attention. It assigns accountability and responsibility to each sales representative. However, since the lead management software takes care of the tracking, the sales representative task is made easier, making them more efficient and organised as a result.


Measure results

Our, Lead management system will help your organization react and respond faster using real-time data to provide you with valuable insights about your lead funnel. From providing in-depth insights such as lead lifecycle, activity stats, campaign-wise lead generation analytics, Inbound traffic segmentation, Outbound call status, Sales rep response time and much more, our lead management software analytics is your one-stop dashboard to view everything.

If you have multiple sales representatives, multiple lead sources, and multiple selling points, through our lead management software you can create customized dashboards with analytical widgets to track and measure results for each of them.

You can also view charts, target meters, KPIs, and funnels. Make data-driven decisions with customizable reports and boost your sales success with actionable data intelligence and maximize your efforts in those areas to increase your marketing and sales ROI.

Challenges faced by businesses without Lead management CRM

Manually hunting for leads, updating your database, typing out emails, and following up can get exhausting, especially if you are looking to expand your business. Without an efficient lead management system, you will find it hard to identify lead leakage.

Losing valuable leads

Nothing is more damning or frustrating than losing a lead because you didn’t have an effective lead management system in place. While you are manually going through all the various customers that are visiting your website or social media pages and requesting information, it is possible that some prospects or leads could get lost. A lead loss is a potential customer loss.

Flawed lead qualification

This is yet another challenge faced by businesses without lead management software. Qualifying a lead based on pre-determined parameters can be a time-consuming task. When manually performed, it can also lead to errors and omissions.

Insights and ROI

Increase in leads, can be a reason of increase in running campaigns. Each campaign is driving traffic to your website and social media pages. A good Lead management system will help you track all leads and provide you with the necessary lead analytics and valuable insights on your incoming leads. This information can be used to make data-driven decisions regarding your marketing efforts.

Declined lead potential

While many leads move on to become customers, some don’t. a manual lead management system typically tends to ignore these leads and cast them aside. All the time and resources spent earning the lead becomes wasted. But with an efficient lead management system, it is possible to find new value in such leads.

Lead tracking

With manual lead management, tracking each lead and updating the status of each lead on a daily basis becomes time-consuming and error-prone. A missed follow-up or a delayed response can potentially make you lose a customer.

Customer experience

A customer experience is enhanced, when you as a business understand him/her preferences, his or her interests and the questions that he/she has. When a salesperson meets the customer with an accurate and rich set of information, the customer experience is also pleasant. This is limited without lead management software.

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The Ventaleads, lead management system is an exclusive package crowded with advanced and specialized features that serve as a one-stop solution for every business to manage leads

What are the Best Practices in Lead Management?

Pipeline Management

Pipelines are lifelines of every organization. A sales pipeline is an organized, visual way of tracking potential customers as they progress through different stages in the purchasing process.

Having an up-to-date pipeline gives the organization a realistic understanding of expected revenue. An organization should aim to align its sales process to its pipeline management system to derive maximum benefit. It also provides clarity to the sales team regarding the level of engagement that is required in each stage.

Time management

Time is a perishable resource. One of the best practices of Lead management is that it should ensure your sales team is working on leads which have the maximum potential to convert, more importantly, it prevents them from wasting time on unqualified leads.

As previously mentioned, Accessing, grading, and qualifying a lead with a predetermined scoring system can help you objectively look at any lead. Leveraging data from various online sources to provide a complete picture of the customer, drastically reduces the time and effort otherwise required to be spent by the sales team.

Campaign management

As an organization, one tends to expend various resources in ways of advertisements, marketing campaigns, discounts, and social media campaigns in order to generate leads. While initially, it might be easier to track back a lead to a specific campaign, it gets more n more difficult as the organization gets older, and these campaigns become larger and more intense.

One of the best practices of lead management is to provide a clear visual representation of how successful each campaign, advertisement or discount offer was. Every lead can be traced back to a specific campaign. Therefore, organizations can easily track marketing and sales KPIs through and measure the ROI of each campaign in your company.

Measuring campaigns through the lens of an ROI gives the organization a great perspective on which ones to continue and which ones to relook, re-organize or even discontinue


Verticals, where you can use lead management system

Every business, big or small, depends on leads. For businesses to grow, you have to convert leads to loyal customers.

Network marketing business
Educational institutes
Professional services
Real estate
Medical representatives
Training centers

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